The Feast Day instituted in 1895 by Charles VII, King of Spain, in a letter while in exile in Venice to his Deputy, the Marquis of Cerralbo: «a national holiday in honor of the martyrs who, since the beginning of the nineteenth century, have perished in the shadow of the banner of God, Fatherland and King, on the battlefields, in exile, in dungeons and hospitals; and I designate to celebrate it on the tenth day of March each year, the day on which is commemorated the anniversary of the death of my grandfather Charles V». «We must seek help from the souls of those who have preceded us in this centuries-long struggle, and honor their memory in every conceivable way, so that they may serve as encouragement and example to the young and keep alive in them the sacred fire of love for God, the Fatherland, and King».
Here you can find the list of events for the Martyrs of the Tradition in different parts of the world updated as of March 7, 2023.
In accordance with the orders given by King Charles VII in 1895, the following events, among others, will be held:
Pichi Mahuida (Province of La Pampa, Argentina). February 28 – March 5.
XXIII Cavalcade for the Martyrs of Tradition.
Sunday, March 5.
11:00. Holy Mass for the Martyrs of Tradition. Estancia San Genaro.
All the World. Saturday, March 4.
Holy Rosary online for the Martyrs of Tradition. Zoom.
20:00. Official Madrid time. See other time zones.
Granada. Saturday, March 4.
12:30. Reception.
14:30. Lunch.
17:00. Conference followed by a question and answer session.
19:00. Holy Mass for the Martyrs of Tradition. Queen Mary’s Chapel. Placeta Gutierre de Cetina, 32.
Information and reservations: asociaciontempusfugit@gmail.com
Salamanca. Sunday, March 12.
18:00. Mass for the Martyrs of Tradition. San Benito’s Church.
Oviedo (Asturias). Sunday, March 5.
12:00. Holy Mass for the Martyrs of Tradition. Hermitage of Santo Medero (Latores).
Baeza (Holy Kingdom of Jaén). Friday, March 10.
17:00. Stations of the Cross for the Martyrs of Tradition. asociaciontempusfugit@gmail.com
Vigo (Galicia). Saturday, March 11.
Responsorial and Holy Rosary for the Martyrs of Tradition. Pereiró Cementary. galicia@carlismo.es
Santiago de Querétaro (Mexico). Saturday, March 11.
11:45. Stations of the Cross for the Martyrs of Tradition. Holy Cross Convent.
Irving, Texas. Saturday, March 11.
08:30. Holy Mass at Mater Dei Latin Mass Parish, 2030 East State Highway 356, Irving, TX 75060.
09:30. Holy Rosary for the Martyrs of Tradition and Oriamendi chant.
10:30. Potluck Brunch outside and socializing.
11:30. A few words to honor our martyrs.
14:00. Traditional Carlist Concert offered by master pianists the Canosa brothers (limited seating, for more information please email: info@caminorealdetejas.com
16:00. Departure.
Valencia. Saturday, March 11.
Central Acts for the Martyrs of Tradition 2023
12:00. Reception.
Holy Mass for the Martyrs of Tradition.
Refreshments and toast.
Brotherhood meal.
Information and reservations on this link.
Martínez, Buenos Aires. Saturday, March 11.
18:30. Holy Mass for the Martyrs of Tradition. Our Lady of Fatima Chapel, Rodríguez Peña, 125.
After the Mass, refreshments will be served in the parish hall and the 13th issue of the magazine Custodia will be presented.
San Diego, California. Saturday, March 18.
09:00. Holy Mass for the Martyrs of Tradition. Saint Anne Catholic Church, 2337 Irving Ave. San Diego, CA 92113.
10:30. Stations of the Cross. Holy Rosary. Office of the Dead. Mission San Diego de Alcalá. 10818 San Diego Mission Road, San Diego, CA 92108.
Valladolid (Morelia, Mexico). Saturday, March 18.
12:00. Stations of the Cross for the Royalist, Maccabean and Cristeros Martyrs. The Viceroy Don Antonio de Mendoza’s investiture. Former Convent of Carmel. Avda. Morelos, Nte., Centro Histórico.
Guadalajara, Jalisco (Mexico). Saturday, March 18.
17:30. Procession and Rosary in honor of the Royalist, Maccabean and Cristeros Martyrs. Starting at the Sanctuary of Guadalupe (Avda. Fray Antonio Alcalde, 527) to Our Lady of the Pillar (C/. Francisco I. Madero, 508, Zona Centro).
18:30. Holy Mass at Our Lady of the Pillar.
20:00. Formative talk and social gathering. Salón del Bosque (José Guadalupe Zuno, 2200, Colonia Americana).
Medellín (Columbia). Saturday, March 18.
18:00. Holy Mass for the Martyrs of Tradition. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel. Calle 32E #76-144.
Toluca (Mexico). Sunday, March 19.
13:00. Rosary and procession to Our Lady of Carmel for the Royalist, Maccabean, and Cristeros Martyrs. Sagrario Metropolitano de la Ciudad de Toluca, C/. Nicolás Bravo Sur #110, Centro Histórico.
Mexico City. Saturday, March 25.
15:00. Stations of the Cross for the Royalist and Cristeros Martyrs. Old Basilica of Guadalupe.
Agencia FARO
Translated by M. Scullin, Traditionalist Carlist Circle Camino Real de Tejas
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