Progressive and Conservative Pills


The President of the United States, the modernist “Catholic” Joe Biden, has endorsed the jubilant statements of the abortion organization Planned Parenthood. The reason was the Supreme Court’s decision to block restrictions on the marketing of the abortion pill mifepristone, which an appeals court had ordered last week. This ruling returns the case to the appeals court, which has set the date for the start of oral arguments for May 17th.

Alongside these policies that directly favor abortion with its products and organizations, some conservative governments such as that of Giorgia Meloni announce with great fanfare some measures to promote the birth rate while ―risum teneatis, amici?― they allow their Drug Agency to approve the free distribution ―paid for by taxpayers― of the contraceptive pill, without any restriction and without any age limit.

The revolution continues its course, either on the fast track of progressivism, or on the slow track of conservatives.

Agencia FARO. Translated by Daniel Rodríguez Guerra

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