Carlist Valencia, Carlist Spain

you will find a living testimony of what the Feast of the Martyrs and the Traditionalist Communion represent

As we had already announced, the video that summarizes the celebration of the central acts for the Martyrs of the Tradition that took place in Valencia last March is now available on our YouTube channel.

Besides capturing the essence of this year’s celebration, in the video you will find a living testimony of what the Feast of the Martyrs and the Traditionalist Communion represent.

¿Quiénes son los Mártires de la Tradición?

Among those interviewed in the report, we find José Miguel Gambra, president of the Candidatura Tradicionalista, the distinguished co-religionist of Italian Spain, Maurizio di Giovine, Delegate of the Traditionalist Communion in the Italian Peninsula, and Fr. Juan Mª Sellas, also a member of the Circulo Cura Santa Cruz.

His Royal Highness Don Sixto Enrique de Borbón was remembered by Mr. Luis Infante, member of the Prince’s Political Secretariat.

What does a Carlist Circle or family do today?

The day-to-day life of the «círculos» (Carlist circles or clubs) was commented, among others, by José Luis Escobedo, president of the Círculo de Barcelona Ramón Parés i Vilasau, Diego Baño, treasurer of the Candidatura Tradicionalista, and by Roberto Gómez, president of the Círculo del Santo Reino de Jaén.

In the report you will also see the ins and outs of a traditional Spanish life, which were brought by Paula Gambra, president of the Margaritas Hispánicas. Valentim Rodrigues, in charge of the Causa Tradicionalista of Portugal, recalls the brotherhood among kings and Legitimists.

As many other of the young people present, two of them encourage the need for reaction: one a colleague of the Círculo Celedonio de Jarauta of Mexico, and the other of the Círculo Antonio Molle Lazo of Madrid.

Translated by Daniel Rodríguez Guerra.

Agencia FARO

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