Long live to the Fiesta Brava!

Mexico City – On November 14, 1999, master rejoneador Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza made his debut at the Monumental Plaza de Toros, cutting two ears and leaving the arena carried away on the shoulders through the «Puerta Grande». That night, which today belongs to the past, became eternal on February 5, 2024, when the Monumental Plaza de Toros gave itself once again and for the last time to the genius of world’s bullfighting, who repeated his luck.

February 5 is not just any date for the rightful thinking Mexican Catholic; on the one hand, it is the feast of Saint Philip of Jesus, protomartyr, to whom glory is due on his day, but in a more casual way, it also commemorates the anniversary of the Plaza Mexico arena, a great bullfighting venue that has been attacked by the offended of modernity in recent years. For the aforementioned reasons, February 5 is an excellent and joyful date, since devotion to the True God and dedication to the tragic art of bullfighting go hand in hand.

Under this atmosphere of devotion and bullfighting, master Pablo Hermoso de Mendozabegan his last tour as a «rejoneador» in the Plaza Mexico, at 4:30 p.m. and with the presence of 42,000 spectators. Arturo Gilio and Ernesto Javier ‘Calita’, who had a good performance with one ear each, accompanied the master.

The elegance of master Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza was on full display until the third bull of the afternoon, the public was delighted at every movement, cheering «olé» applauses and, cheers without measure in each banderilla, in each gallop. But, it was during the 
sixth bull of the night where master achieved his great triumph, earning two ears and leaving carried away on shoulders. Meanwhile Monumental’s played «Juan Colorado» and, closed the emotional finale for master Pablo Hermoso singing  «Las Golondrinas».

Members of different Carlist Circles of New Spain gathered to observe and participate in the farewell of the great rejoneador Navarro at this great farewell bullfight. 

Flags with the Cross of Saint Andrew and, cheers to Christ the King could be seen and heard coming from the Carlist side of the arena. Professor Alexander G. Becker was able to make it to the center of the bullring at the moment when the master Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza was being carried on his shoulders. Once face to face, Professor Becker handed his red beret to this bullfighting legend with the following words: «Maestro Pablo Hermoso, remember the glory of Navarra! and Maestro Pablo Hermoso proceeded to gird the red beret on his victorious forehead, in a rather «Valleinclanesque» style.
Long live to the Fiesta Brava! 
Long live to master Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza!
FARO Agency, Celedonio de Jarauta Traditionalist Circle.

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