Letter from HRH Don Sixto

I have instructed my Political Secretariat to convey the necessary orders for the Communion to mobilize in your support

C. Feliu, S.A.R. Don Sixto Enrique de Borbón

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Berry, November 4, 2024. Feast of Saint Carlos Borromeo.

H.R.H. Don Sixto Enrique de Borbón has sent a message to the Regional Chief of the Kingdom of Valencia regarding the recent tragic events.

Hon. Mr. Don Jesús Ferrando

Regional Chief of the Kingdom of Valencia

Dear Jesús,

Due to my current situation, as I am admitted to a health center with limited communication, this message comes with some delay. However, I cannot refrain from writing to you in light of the tragedy that has struck the Valencian people. We are gradually learning the full magnitude of this event, and I fear its consequences will last for a long time. I know how cruelly it has affected you and your family. You have lost everything except the dignity and courage that have always defined you.

I hold the fondest memories of your land, which I have visited several times in recent years. I have always admired the vitality of its people and, in particular, the devotion of our loyal supporters led by your own family. I have instructed my Political Secretariat to convey the necessary orders for the Communion to mobilize in your support. This includes supernatural means, such as prayer and the Holy Mass, as well as material resources that will be crucial at this time. I am aware that the young Carlists of Valencia, along with those from other parts of Spain, have already stepped forward in this effort. I also know that a request for aid has started to circulate among all the Círculos.

Unfortunately, dear Jesús, I can only reach out to you and yours, who have always welcomed me so warmly, through this impersonal means. I would like to promise a visit, if not now, then in the coming months. However, I know that this is highly unlikely. These are the limitations of age and the lasting effects of the accident I suffered in 2001. In that accident, my dear friend José Ramón García Llorente, who was close to your parents and uncles, and the young Juan Manuel Muskett lost their lives. God will decide; we are in His hands.

Please accept the expression of my deepest affection.

In Berry, on the fourth of November, two thousand twenty-four, the Feast of Saint Carlos Borromeo, patron saint of the legitimate Dynasty.

Sixto Enrique de Borbón.

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